Seattle Sings Events

The Greater Seattle Choral Consortium prides itself on bringing together the many and varied members of Seattle's choral community on a regular basis to perform for and with one another. Below you will find information on upcoming and past events.

Upcoming Events

Big Sing 2024 — Sunday, January 28, 2024: Yes, the Big Sing is back! We are trying something new this time by merging the Big Sing event with our Annual Meeting. We'll be singing the Fauré Requiem in D Minor together, followed by our annual meeting about the state of the consortium. Mark your calendars!

Children's Choir Event 2024: We are gearing up to host our first-ever children's choir-focused event. This special event will bring together the area's youth choirs for fellowship and a chance to work with a special guest educator. Dates and details are still in the works, so stay tuned.

Seattle Sings Choral Festival 2025: Our next festival is tentatively being planned for the Fall of 2025.