Event Details
WEEPING ANGELSLamentations and Lagrimes
Free Admission, with free will donations welcome.
Join Sine Nomine for our midwinter concert 'Weeping Angels--Lamentations and Lagrimes,' a meaningful program of contemplative polyphony from the Renaissance that explores themes of loss and longing. These songs will lead you through the dark winter days with expressive and inspiring music by composers Tallis, Sweelinck, Josquin, Lassus, Gesualdo and others. We add an early American touch with William Billings' emotional 'Lamentation Over Boston,' mourning Boston's captivity by the British at the start of the American Revolution; the text evokes Psalm 137, likewise lamenting Israel’s captivity by the kingdom of Babylon - as depicted in the 2 settings of the 'Lamentations of Jeremiah' and Sweelinck's 'Estans assis'.
Thomas Tallis - Lamentations of Jeremiah I
Antonio Cebrián - Lágrimas de mi Consuelo
Jan P. Sweelinck - Estans assis aux rives aquatiques
William Billings - Lamentation Over Boston
Josquin des Pres - Dulces exuviae
Hieronymus Vinders - O mors inevitabilis
John Bennet - Weep, O Mine Eyes
John Dowland - Come Again
Orlando di Lasso - Lagrime di San Pietro
-- 9. Chi ad una ad una & 10. Come falda di neve
Tiburtio Massaino - Lamentations of Jeremiah I
Carlo Gesualdo - O vos omnes
Giovanni Croce - Anima mea liquefacta est