Event Details

Songs for the People

Hosting Ensemble: Seattle Pro Musica
Event Type: Concert
Ticket Prices: Tickets from $21-38; students free with ID, PYWC option available
Event Dates:
Saturday, November 12, 2022Nov 12, 2022, 7:30pm at Seattle First Baptist Church, Seattle, WA


Songs for the People is the second of our New American Composers concerts, featuring composer Melissa Dunphy. Born to refugee parents and raised in Australia, Dunphy immigrated to the United States in 2003 and has since become an award-winning and acclaimed composer specializing in vocal, political, and theatrical music.

Songs for the People. David Owen Hastings
Songs for the People. David Owen Hastings

Ensemble Photos

Seattle Pro Musica. Seattle Pro Musica, 2019. Photo by Danielle Barnum.
Seattle Pro Musica. Seattle Pro Musica, 2019. Photo by Danielle Barnum.