Event Details
Seattle Bach Choir auditions by appointment
Join a fun and friendly group of dedicated musicians in a varied and exciting program for an upcoming season! Our rehearsals begin September 7.
At this time, we are hearing auditions by appointment! Read on...
The first step is your preparation of a solo song, which need not be difficult, but something that demonstrates your range and vocal quality. An audio or video record of your song should be submitted electronically. You may sing acapella, accompanied, or singing along with a song playing through your headphones.
Members are expected to commit to participate in all scheduled concerts, practice music that we are currently preparing, and contribute to the work and financial health of the choir. Rehearsals take place on Tuesday evenings, 7:15-9:30 pm, downtown at Trinity Parish Church, 609 8th Ave.
Additional instructions, audition form and contact info may be found at https://seattlebachchoir.org/audition/.