Event Details
NWCC AuditionsOpenings in every voice part
Hosting Ensemble: Northwest Chamber Chorus
Event Type: Audition
Event Website: http://northwestchamberchorus.org
Ticket Prices: Free
Event Dates:
Sunday, August 29, 2021Aug 29, 2021, 1:00pm at Phinney Ridge Lutheran Church, Seattle, WA
The Northwest Chamber Chorus is holding auditions for singers (all voices) on Sunday, August 29 (1:00-4:00pm) at Phinney Ridge Lutheran Church, Seattle by appointment with Music Director Mark Kloepper. Be prepared to sing a song of your choice (art song, gospel, hymn, broadway, spiritual). No Pop music please. To schedule an audition, contact the NWCC at nwchamberchorus@gmail.com. Detailed membership information at Chorus website: http://www.northwestchamberchorus.org