Event Details

Most Noble and Excellent Women

Event Type: Concert
Ticket Prices: Free-will offering only
Event Dates:
Sunday, March 24, 2019Mar 24, 2019, 3:00pm at Trinity Parish Episcopal Church, Seattle, WA


The title is a play on Lucrezia Marinella's feminist treatise ''The Nobility and Excellence of Women and the Defects and Vices of Men' (published 1600). Sine Nomine, Anne Lyman conducting, features a cappella Renaissance music written by composers working for powerful women, or by women themselves- including sacred and secular works from England, Italy, France and Spain, and highlighting Thomas Tallis' magnificent 'Gaude Gloriosa' and William Byrd's joyous 'Magnificat' from 'The Great Service.'

Most Noble and Excellent Women. Female Musicians, Master of the Female Half-Lengths c.1530-1540, Heritage Museum, Antwerp
Most Noble and Excellent Women. Female Musicians, Master of the Female Half-Lengths c.1530-1540, Heritage Museum, Antwerp

Ensemble Photos

Sine Nomine: Renaissance Choir. Photo by Mary Gallagher (2023)
Sine Nomine: Renaissance Choir. Photo by Mary Gallagher (2023)