Event Details

Attached at the Heart

Hosting Ensemble: Wellspring Ensemble
Event Type: Concert
Ticket Prices: $15 in advance at Brown Paper Tickets. $20 General Admission at the Door. Children and Youth, Free.
Event Dates:
Saturday, August 17, 2019Aug 17, 2019, 7:30pm at Edmonds United Methodist Church, Edmonds, WA
Sunday, August 18, 2019Aug 18, 2019, 7:30pm at Phinney Ridge Lutheran Church, Seattle, WA


Wellspring Ensemble is excited to be a part of the music scene by establishing itself on the cutting edge of new music in the choral arts. Featuring accompanied and a capella music, the set will be painted with both recognized composers and new composers alike! Sperry, Balmforth, Green, Schreiner, Bunch, Whitacre, Meader, Asher--these composers are sure fill your evening with beauty.

Attached at the Heart. Attached at the Heart: New Commissions and Heartfelt Melodies
Attached at the Heart. Attached at the Heart: New Commissions and Heartfelt Melodies

Ensemble Photos

Wellspring Ensemble. Wellspring Ensemble Winter 2023 @Ziggy Spiz
Wellspring Ensemble. Wellspring Ensemble Winter 2023 @Ziggy Spiz